Emperor Kangxi - A Master of Pen and Sword

17-12-15 Supreme Court; and the Prime Minister. There were also officials to record the emperor's daily...


17-12-15 ,提供了安全购买和交换物品的地方。所有的地点都在派出所,当交易双方见面时,附近会有警察。这些交易地点是:特别行动组海港巡逻队(550 Water Street, S.W.),第三区(1620 V...

圣诞节,来Shoe Village选礼物吧!

17-12-14 ,一丝一扣,都体现UGG的贴心之作。 Shoe Village鞋城:地址:45-22 162 St., Flushing, NY 11358。(位于45大道162街,在缅街Main Street可搭乘...


17-12-13 的室内逛集市可算是聪明啦。而中央车站集市恰好让您实现这个愿望,在这里有近40家商户参与,从手工艺品到服装家居各有特色,而且还为您设立了食阁(Food Court)可以饱餐与歇脚。时间:至12月24日(每周...


17-11-30 Street(Broadway & 7大道之间)。票价:成人30美元、孩童(4~12岁)15美元、老人(65岁及以上)28美元。...


17-11-30 等,绝对让您流连忘返。时间:11月28日(周二)~12月24日(周日)。地点:哥伦比亚圆环(Columbus Circle)。地址:59th Street and Central Park West。网站...

市府耗巨资铺设新型垃圾桶 备受民众质疑

17-11-30 ,密封设计,更以太阳能为动能压缩桶内垃圾,节省清洁人员和垃圾车收取垃圾的成本。但原本立意良好的新型垃圾桶,却备受民众质疑。在茂比利街(Mulberry Street)和坚尼街(Canal Street...


17-12-02 【看中国讯】根据24/7 Wall Street 网站编制的全国各地的基础设施条件 和支出的分析结果,马里兰州道路条件最差,全国排名第九位,而维吉尼亚州在建设和维护公路方面的花费排在全国前五位...

Revelations from Shang Shu (Part 1)

17-12-02 , trusts, and employs those criminals at large, appointing them as high-ranking officials in the court, who...

Former Clinton Foundation Executive Tied to Chinese Kindergartens Investigated for Child Abuse

17-12-02 current case. Reuters cited court documents saying staff on “multiple occasions used needles and...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 2)

17-11-25 to court to report. When I asked him about the scenery in the gorge, he cited two lines of a poem by...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 1)

17-11-21 the day of the imperial examination at the imperial court, Zhao Xiong remembered a few of his early...

James O’Keefe: A Truth Seeker in an Age of Media Bias

17-11-20 the head of the Westchester teacher’s union to resign because she was telling someone off the street...

Yan Shu: A Faithful and Sincere Person

17-11-21 , he was recommended to the imperial court by Zhang Zhibai, a prominent person. The emperor summoned...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 a lawsuit in federal court against Jiang for genocide and crimes against humanity, Yang began reaching out...

The Monk Who Overslept

17-11-11 begging for food on the street, the monk came back carrying his alms bowel. He went straight to his room...


17-11-06 Contact ),可亲自前往申请;或将申请表等邮寄至HRA/HEAP, PO Box 1401, Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008。也可使用网站...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 1)

17-11-03 the Jin imperial court, Xu Xun resigned from his government post. The people of Jingyang created...


17-11-03 之后,绝对不能让他们重返或是进入我国,真是够了!” 案发地点为距离世界贸易中心纪念碑只有几个街区休斯顿街(houston Street)和钱伯斯街(Chambers Street),周边还有著名的史岱文森高中...


17-10-27 20874)和银泉健康中心10楼(8630 Fenton Street, 10th floor,Silver Spring,MD 20910)为6个月以上的人打疫 苗。不需要预约,收费20美元,可以付现金...

Culture and Spirit During the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (part3)盛唐文化与盛唐精神 (下)

17-10-27 diplomatic envoys to China. The royal Tang court therefore set up numerous organizations to host foreign...


17-10-19 。”“我非常敬重他们所有人。”“华尔街日报”(TheWall Street Journal)报导,川普总统将于19日会晤叶伦。川普在竞选期间指控叶伦,说她一昧听从前总统欧巴马政府的吩咐,将利率维持在低点。不过,川普...


17-10-17 多个国家的美食,一张门票带您吃个遍,应有尽有。时间:10月20日(周五)晚上6点~9点。地址:172 Norfolk Street,New York, NY 10002。网站:tinyurl.com...

Ousted Chinese Military Boss Guo Boxiong Attempts Suicide in Prison, Says Hong Kong Magazine

17-10-16 around, Guo suddenly rushed toward the street and headed straight for a nearby lamppost, smashing his...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 1)

17-10-12 ambitions. The ensuing poems by the officials in Emperor Taizong's royal court also manifested open and...

帝国大厦附近45套可负担房 12月截止申请

17-10-06 :38-46 WEST 33rd Street, New York,NY 10001。申请人可以到纽约市住房保留与发展局(HPD)网站(nyc.gov/housingconnect)在线申请。如要获取中文版书面...

Respect Heaven and Follow  the Heavenly Principles

17-10-06 observed and predicted.According to Shi Ji (Records of the Grand Historian), there lived a virtuous court...


17-10-04 。网站:newyorkcomiccon.com。6. 石头街生蚝节 Stone Street Oyster Festival (Wiki / CC BY 2.0 )第16届纽约生蚝周,由石头街上的...


17-09-28 社会服务、特殊需要服务等等。服务部中经验丰富的双语辅导员及工作人员,经常采取适合不同文化背景的方式为个人或家庭提供服务。纽约市公立第130小学地址:143 Baxter Street, New York...


17-09-28 (纽约同源会)【看中国纽约讯】9月30日(周六)与10月1日(周日)两天,纽约同源会第一届“中秋电影节”将在华埠中心地带披露街(Pell Street)21号拉开序幕。届时,主办方精选的22部作品...


17-09-28 10点~下午5点。地点:人力中心。地址:茂比利街70号3楼(70 Mulberry Street 3 / FL, NY NY 10013)。电话:(212)571-1698。...

Shoe Village 中秋节优惠大酬宾

17-09-28 各种时尚人士的喜爱。 Shoe Village鞋城:地址:45-22 162 St., Flushing, NY 11358。路线:在缅街Main Street可搭乘Q65,Q25在162街下车。电话...

地铁乱扔垃圾 将重罚$100

17-09-22 1,300万加仑的水。 另外,MTA在夏季设置了最新的真空垃圾收集车,至今已清除了地铁内一千吨的垃圾。其中一台收集车一天之内,在布碌仑的卡罗尔街车站(Carroll Street station)清出了31吨的垃圾...

In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 Greenwich Avenue is a "diagonal" street that cuts across Manhattan's roughly North-South...


17-09-18 claims court),或加入集体诉讼(class action suit)等方式宣泄这股恶气。使用Chatbot简化文件填写如果你想亲自起诉Equifax,小额索赔法庭可能是你最好的选择。但如果你不是律师...

China Holds Show Trial to Convict Imprisoned Taiwanese Rights Activist

17-09-18 , the 42-year-old Lee went on trial in Yueyang Intermediate People’s Court in Hunan on Sept. 11. The...

Chicago Had More Votes Than Voters in 2016 Elections

17-09-15 from the two organizations quotes the U.S. Supreme Court on the significance for the integrity of the...


17-09-11 Awards今年第13届的The Vendy Awards餐车节,是纽约首个围绕街边美食(street food)餐车的选举大赛,。来自纽约最美味、最受欢迎的20多家街边美食餐车(street food...

The Selfless Realm of  Fan Zhongyan (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-08 imperial court, “About Administration." In the letter, he suggested many approaches to improve...


17-09-07 Street, New York NY 10025。皇后区:托马斯爱迪生职业技术教育高中(Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education High School...